Tenure-Track Statistics Faculty position at Northern Illinois University

The Division of Statistics at Northern Illinois University invites applications for an anticipated tenure-track Assistant Professor position in statistics starting August 16, 2015. Candidates with faculty or postdoctoral experience are encouraged to apply. Appointee will be expected to maintain a vigorous research program, advise students, provide innovative and excellent instruction, and will work in an active group of statisticians and academic actuaries, with ample consulting opportunities on and off campus. The full-time teaching load is two courses per regular semester at undergraduate/graduate levels. We offer a competitive salary and start-up package, active graduate program with institutional support for students, and a highly interactive faculty.

Please visit www.niu.edu/stat/stats_job.pdf for full details.

A doctorate in statistics, biostatistics or actuarial science by August 15, 2015, excellence in teaching, outstanding research potential, and excellent communication skills are required.

Applicants from all areas of statistics and actuarial science are encouraged to apply. Preferred areas of interest include, but are not limited to, statistical methods that are related to large and complex or massive data sets, and actuarial science. Experience in statistical consulting will be counted as a preferred secondary skill.

Preference will be given to applications received by November 23, 2014, however applications will continue to be accepted until position is filled.
Applicants must email a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, an academic transcript, teaching and research statements, and arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to be sent directly by references, to Este enderezo de correo está a ser protexido dos robots de correo lixo. Precisa activar o JavaScript para velo. u, or uploaded at www.mathjobs.org All correspondence should be addressed to the Statistics Search Committee. Appointee alone will be required to submit hard copies of application materials.

In compliance with the Illinois Campus Security Act, before an offer of employment is made, the university will conduct a pre-employment background investigation, which includes a criminal background check.