EURO Summer Institute Operational Research applied to Health in a Modern World

Second Call for Papers: EURO Summer Institute Operational Research applied to Health in a Modern World Forte di Bard, Italy, June 11th-20th, 2014
The OR Societies of Italy and the UK are pleased to announce a EURO Summer Institute (ESI XXXI) on the theme "Operational Research applied to Health in a Modern World" from June 11 to June 20, 2014.
Theme: OR modelling for healthcare has developed with the complexities of the modern world. Health Care Systems (HCS) are often awash with data but managers are unable to benefit while concerned only with trouble-shooting. Furthermore, HCS should reflect a patient centered and societal perspective focusing on outcomes rather than only on output. ESI XXXI will bring together those issues proposing new modelling and solution techniques to aid decision makers in the fields of health and disease management, patient flow and all aspects of optimal use of scarce resources.
Background: EURO Summer and Winter Institutes (ESWI) provide an excellent forum for PhD students and early career researchers to discuss their research at length with experts in the field, as well as forming links with other early stage researchers that will endure throughout their careers. For further details, see
Format: Around 25 early stage researchers will be invited to attend the ESWI. They will be very early career academics (PhD students and/or those who have less than two years research experience post PhD). Those invited will meet for about ten days and present the material of an unpublished piece of work, discussing it with others and with a handful of specially invited senior experts in the field. Social activities will complement formal proceedings. Papers will be prepared for consideration for an upcoming issue of an OR publication (TBA).
Disregarding the senior experts, no one can participate in an ESWI more than once in his or her lifetime. Participation in an ESWI should be regarded as a considerable honour. In other words, the main objective of an ESWI is to give a limited number of carefully selected representatives of the next generation a unique opportunity for establishing a personal network and for addressing an international audience and thus to create new research groups around the topic chosen.
EURO provides a substantial contribution towards all the ESWI expenses "on location" (room and board, social programme, etc.); sponsorship is being sought for the remainder of these expenses. The travel costs, however, must be covered by the participant's national OR society or, if not possible, by the participants themselves.
Applicants will submit their papers to the Scientific Committee, along with a curriculum vitae. The committee will select and rank the candidates on the basis of submitted papers, and afterwards channel this information to the national OR societies for funding decisions. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility rules but exceeding the number of 25 participants may be accepted, in a limited number, in the ESWI. Such candidates should cover their expenses. Fees will be also required but their amount will be defined later.
Expressions of interest are now being sought in order to assess the likely number of participants. Please email Este enderezo de correo está a ser protexido dos robots de correo lixo. Precisa activar o JavaScript para velo. if you are considering submitting a paper.
Important dates

  • 1st February 2014: deadline for submission ofapplications.
  • 1st March 2014: selection of Candidates by Scientific Committee and communication to the National OR Societies.
  • 11th - 20th June 2014: ESI XXXI.
  • 31st October 2014: submission of final versions of papers for publication in the special issue.