EMPLEO | PhD position on Bayesian computation for non-linear inverse problems

Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology.

The PhD candidate will be supervised by Hanne Kekkonen and Joris Bierkens and will work on the project "Bayesian computation for non-linear inverse problems". The aim of the project is to develop new sampling methods that enable efficient computation for challenging models from a Bayesian perspective with a focus on modern Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. In particular the attention will be towards highly non-linear inverse problems and state space models. We are looking for candidates with a strong background in statistics, probability, inverse problems, machine learning, analysis or numerical analysis, and affinity with coding numerical methods, e.g. in Python, C++, or Julia.

More details about the project and the application procedure can be found at https://www.tudelft.nl/over-tu-delft/werken-bij-tu-delft/vacatures/details?jobId=3355