ADMM and IPMs in Edinburgh: a 3-year postdoc opportunity and a workshop

Dear Colleagues,

1. I look for outstanding candidates to fill a 3-year postdoctoral position in Edinburgh in the area of very large scale optimization with a particular focus on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) and Interior Point Methods (IPMs):

Deadline for (complete) applications is 5pm on 12th March 2020.

2. Together with Kresimir Mihic and Spyros Pougkakiotis we organise a workshop on

Decomposition Methods in Very Large Scale Optimization
Edinburgh, Thu-Fri 4-5 June 2020

and warmly invite any researchers interested in the area to attend it.

Would you mind advertising these opportunities to your Optimization/OR community.

Thanks in advance and best wishes,

Prof Jacek Gondzio,
School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh
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