Summary of final project

TFMs: General information

In the third four-month period the student must perform a final project or supervised work in a ward with Program partner company with a dedication equivalent to 15 ECTS.

The final project is to develop a work of theoretical or applied nature. In many of the theoretical projects are intended to make the student a critical review of some research work recently published in the appropriate fields to the theme of each work, comparing the different alternatives, or even proposing new alternatives that may be studied further in a future doctoral thesis. Projects of applied type are implemented in the analysis, study and problem solving with real data on which to apply modern techniques of Statistics and Operational Research.

Supervised works in a partner company's aim to Interunivesity Program of Postgraduate Course that students analyze and study the problems of the area of Statistics and Operational Research who are interested in collaborating companies. Companies in most cases have already developed agreements and projects with university departments that work with this Program. In all cases the student of the final project or supervised work be supervised by a licensed teacher at the Program.

A reference for a Master Thesis work may be chosen from any of the research contained in the PhD.

Regulation, regulation of asignation of projects and Agreements for the application of the TFM Regulation.

In this link, you may be some indication of the minimum content and format of the Master's Thesis (MTE_PlantillaTFM.pdf). * .rar File that you download also contains a sample template LaTeX (MTE_PlantillaTFM.tex) and the logos of the three universities organizing the Master (logoUDC.pdf, logoUSC.pdf and logoUVigo.pdf).


Members of the two courts:

President: Germán Aneiros Pérez. Secretary:  Alejandro Saavedra Nieves. Vocal: Marta Sestelo Pérez.

Alternate court: Wenceslao González Manteiga.

President: M. José Lombardía Cortiña. Secretary: Ángel M. González Rueda. Vocal:  María Gómez Rúa.

Alternate court: Wenceslao González Manteiga.


Regardless of the type of work, it is up to the student to send their TFM to one of the coordinators of the master's degree and to confirm the correct receipt of the work. The delivery will be made only in electronic format. In addition, the student must also follow any procedure indicated by the university in which he or she is enrolled.
In case a student does not authorize the publication of his/her TFM in the MTE's website, he/she must provide a summary of no less than two pages where, in addition, the reasons for not authorizing the dissemination of the report via the website are stated.

Call of January:

The delivery date of the works will be until January 11, 2024. It is the student's responsibility to send their TFM to one of the coordinators of the master's degree and confirm that it has been correctly received. The submission will only be made in electronic format. Students must also follow any procedure indicated by the university where they are enrolled.
The reading will be  February 1, 2, 5, 7 and 8, 2024.

Call of July*:

The delivery date of the works will be until June 3, 2024. It is the student's responsibility to send their TFM to one of the coordinators of the master's degree and confirm that it has been correctly received. The submission will only be made in electronic format. Students must also follow any procedure indicated by the university where they are enrolled.
The reading will be June 18, 19, 20, 24 and 25, 2024.

Call of September*:

The delivery date of the works will be until July 22, 2024.

The reading will be September 5, 6 and 10, 2024.

(*) Students enrolled at UVigo can only take one of the two calls.

The maximum time of exhibition will be 25 minutes. Also it will be able to be done by video conference.

Resultados generales de la encuesta

Survey of evaluation the student satisfaction with teaching.
We present the general results obtained in the survey for each academic year in the Masters in Statistical Techniques.

1. The material for the planning of teaching provided by the teacher is enough.
2. In this subject, the activities planned are properly coordinated.
3. The students' work is proportional to the credits of the subject.
4. The teacher prepared, organized and structured well the lessons.
5. The teacher clearly resolved the doubts that the pupils made in lesson.
6. The help received in the tutorials of this teacher is helpful (answer only if you went once).
7. The teacher uses innovative teaching resources to enhance learning.
8. The teacher encourages student participation in lessons.
9. In general, I believe that the teacher is a very good mentor.
(To calculate the percentages are taken into account only non-zero answers.)

Results of the survey:

Each score counting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA Number of surveys Average
P1 6 11 12 41 89 170 280 1 609 6.00
P2 3 9 17 37 96 173 266 9 601 5.99
P3 3 13 25 52 88 187 238 4 606 5.84
P4 8 16 35 54 88 169 234 6 604 5.72
P5 5 7 12 39 74 162 283 28 582 6.07
P6 4 3 3 12 16 55 121 396 214 6.19
P7 15 13 35 89 136 144 147 31 579 5.31
P8 20 15 31 57 117 148 213 9 601 5.55
P9 9 9 22 47 105 160 253 5 605 5.85

Forthcoming defences

(Projects delivered and pending defence in the current call).

Projects end master finalized

335 project were readed in Master in Statistical Techniques.

Title: Estudio clínico-epidemiológico de cáncer de mama (USC). Exposition date: 25-06-2024 12:00-13:00h, (
Saavedra Nieves, Paula
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Queiro Alberte, Nahir

Title: Regresión funcional multinivel para la modelización de glucosa postprandial en función da carga glicémica (USC). Exposition date: 25-06-2024 11:00-12:00h, (
Conde Amboage, Mercedes
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Cao Ríos, Ana

Title: Herramienta de análisis para problemas de forecasting (USC). Exposition date: 25-06-2024 10:00-11:00h, (
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Arias Morales, Carolina

Title: Asignación de costes en un problema de transporte: revisión y estudio comparativo (USC). Exposition date: 25-06-2024 9:00-10:00h, (
Casas Méndez, Balbina Virginia
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Soto Rodríguez, Paula

Title: Análisis del exceso de mortalidad en Galicia (USC). Exposition date: 19-06-2024 12:30-13:30h, (
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Domínguez Fernández, Ana

Title: Técnicas de ramificación y acotación en el ámbito de la optimización polinómica (USC). Exposition date: 19-06-2024 11:45-12:30h, (
González Rodríguez, Brais;  González Díaz, Julio
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Álvarez Rodríguez, Manuel

Title: Desarrollo e implantación de un sistema de ML enteramente basado en tecnologías SQL de la nube (USC). Exposition date: 19-06-2024 11:00-12:00h, (
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Camino Enríquez, Alba

Title: Desarrollo de un Early Redemption Model (UVIGO). Exposition date: 19-06-2024 10:00-11:00h, (
Tarrío Saavedra, Javier;  Naya Fernández, Salvador
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Benavente Fernández, Olamar

Title: Modelos estadísticos de riesgo de crédito y planificación estratégica (UDC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 13:00-14:00h, (Teams:
Naya Fernández, Salvador;  Tarrío Saavedra, Javier
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: González Paz, Daniel

Title: Estudio de la precipitación a partir de la regresión por cuantiles. (UVIGO). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 12:30-13:30h, (
Roca Pardiñas, Javier
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Alvarez Socorro, Gleisis

Title: Mejora de la Eficiencia Bancaria mediante NLP: Segmentación de llamadas Transcritas para la Identificación de Productos Comerciales (UDC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 12:00-13:00h, (
Naya Fernández, Salvador;  Tarrío Saavedra, Javier
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Gómez Rodríguez, Marcos

Title: Simulador Ciclo de Tienda (UDC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 11:00-12:00h, (
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María;  González Díaz, Julio
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Francesch Domenech, Maria Erika

Title: Modelos de inflación: predicción y análisis de impactos (USC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 11:45-12:30h, (
López Taboada, Guillermo
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Blanco Bugueiro, Ana

Title: Modelo Predictivo de Siniestralidad Seguro de Coche (USC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 11:00-12:00h, (Teams:
Fernández Casal, Rubén;  Oviedo de la Fuente, Manuel
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Cadaveira Regueiro, Berta

Title: Técnicas de remuestreo en modelos de predicción semiparamétricos de series de tiempo (USC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 10:00-11:00h, (Teams ( )).
Febrero Bande, Manuel;  González Manteiga, Wenceslao
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Carballo Fraguas, Pablo

Title: Análisis de supervivencia para la detección y clasificación de anomalías en vehículos (USC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 10:00-11:00h, (
de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
González Manteiga, Wenceslao (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Menéndez-Trillo, Pablo

Title: Análisis de datos funcionales para clasificación con datos de espectroscopía (USC). Exposition date: 18-06-2024 9:00-10:00h, (Teams:
Febrero Bande, Manuel;  Pateiro López, Beatriz
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: de la Fuente Blanco, María Dolores

Title: Recomendación de Producto (UDC). Exposition date: 07-02-2024 11:00-12:00h, (Teams:
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose;  Saavedra Nieves, Paula
Lombardía Cortiña, María José (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Orgeira Beiro, José Raúl

Title: Revisión de métodos de clustering para datos funcionales (UDC). Exposition date: 07-02-2024 10:00-11:00h, (Teams:
Febrero Bande, Manuel;  Oviedo de la Fuente, Manuel
Lombardía Cortiña, María José (President);
Gómez Rúa, María (Member);
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel (Secretary)
Student: Fermín González, Rikelvi Felipe

Title: Caracterización de los diferentes fenotipos de insuficiencia cardíaca (USC). Exposition date: 01-02-2024 17:00-18:00h, (Teams:
Conde Amboage, Mercedes;  Reyes Santías, Francisco
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Vilar González, Alba

Title: Aplicación de técnicas estadísticas en la relación existente entre adicción a videojuegos y horas invertidas (USC). Exposition date: 01-02-2024 16:00-17:00h, (Teams:
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose
Aneiros Pérez, Germán (President);
Sestelo Pérez, Marta (Member);
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro (Secretary)
Student: Fernández Theotonio, Álvaro

Title: Modelos de predicción para indicadores medioambientales multidimensionales (USC). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 12:15-13:00h, (Online).
González Manteiga, Wenceslao
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Castillo Contreras, Jaime Jovanny

Title: Análisis exploratorio de datos y generación de modelos predictivos del mercado de trabajo (UDC). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 12:30-13:30h, (Online ).
López Taboada, Guillermo
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Martínez Sixto, Erik

Title: Medidas de profundidad y geometría (USC). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 11:30-12:30h, (Online ).
Pateiro López, Beatriz;  Rodríguez Casal, Alberto
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Mena López, Carlos

Title: Aplicación de técnicas de análisis conjunto para la determinación de la importancia de variables físicas en aprovechamientos forestales (UVIGO). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 11:30-12:15h, (Online).
Iglesias Pérez, María del Carmen;  Alonso Martínez, Laura
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Iglesias González, David

Title: Evaluación de nivel de amenaza asociado a aviones no tripulados intrusos (UVIGO). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 10:15-11:00h, (Online).
Sestelo Pérez, Marta
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Arias Curbelo, Luis Enrique

Title: Análisis de los problemas de árbol de mínimo coste: el caso multiobjetivo (UVIGO). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 10:30-11:30h, (Online ).
Lorenzo Picado, Leticia
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Sáez Cabrera, Sergio

Title: Cambio en el N-glucoma sérico en pacientes con cáncer (UDC). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 09:30-10:15h, (Online).
Gude Sampedro, Francisco;  Febrero Bande, Manuel
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Antón Fuente, Sergio

Title: El problema del viajante. Reparto de costes con juegos cooperativos (UDC). Exposition date: 07-09-2023 09:30-10:30h, (Online ).
Sánchez Rodríguez, María Estela
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Bordón Ramos, Tania

Title: Asignación de camas de hospital a enfermos de urgencias y programados (USC). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 13:00-13:45h, (Online).
Saavedra Nieves, Alejandro
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Portela Peleteiro, Alberto

Title: Estudio del funcionamiento de métodos de evaluación de poblaciones de peces pobres en datos (USC). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 12:15-13:00h, (Online).
Cousido Rocha, Marta;  Roca Pardiñas, Javier
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Nina del Río Ares, Helena

Title: Predicción de fraude on-line en transacciones sobre canales digitales (UVIGO). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 12:30-13:30h, (Online).
Fernández Casal, Rubén;  Oviedo de la Fuente, Manuel
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Calderón Barreda, Diego

Title: Forecast de Ventas (UVIGO). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 11:30-12:30h, (Online).
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Bernárdez Ferradás, Alejandro

Title: Técnicas de búsqueda de causa raíz de un problema en un entorno IT (UVIGO). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 11:30-12:15h, (Online).
Sousa Vazquez, Xose Ramón;  Roca Pardiñas, Javier
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Campos Pietanesi, Natalia Romina

Title: Planificar y analizar experimentos sensoriales de discriminación (diferencias y similitud) (UDC). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 10:30-11:30h, (Online).
Sánchez Sellero, César Andrés
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Beras Caraballo, Melissa

Title: Modelos “single-index” en el contexto de la regresión cuantil (UDC). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 10:15-11:00h, (Online).
Conde Amboage, Mercedes
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Arrojo Vázquez, Álvaro

Title: Clasificación automática de documentos y extracción de información (UDC). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 09:30-10:30h, (Online).
Fernández Casal, Rubén;  García Jurado, Ignacio
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Cobas Cornide, Yolanda

Title: Análisis estadístico del servicio de urgencias del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Santiago de Compostela (CHUS) (USC). Exposition date: 06-09-2023 09:30-10:15h, (Online).
Conde Amboage, Mercedes;  Borrajo García, María Isabel
López Taboada, Guillermo (President);
García Soidán, María del Pilar (Member);
Ameijeiras Alonso, Jose (Secretary)
Student: Bamio Martínez, David

Title: Predicción en Tiempo Real del PIB de España (UDC). Exposition date: 05-09-2023 12:30-13:30h, (Online).
Fernández Casal, Rubén;  López Taboada, Guillermo
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Rebolo García, Fernando

Title: Análisis de supervivencia en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (USC). Exposition date: 05-09-2023 09:30-10:30h, (Online).
Borrajo García, María Isabel
Lorenzo Freire, Silvia María (President);
Crujeiras Casais, Rosa María (Member);
Cotos Yáñez, Tomás (Secretary)
Student: Romaris Lodeiro, Nataly Maria