4 ofertas de empleo: Data scientist / Big Data Analytics (OF0217) Gradiant

Data scientist / Big Data Analytics (OF0217)

You will join our eLearning line of research, where we aim to improve education through the introduction of technology, by using learning analytics techniques within multidisciplinary teams of technicians, publishers, students, teachers and designers. It is an excellent opportunity to work in projects with national and European impact within self-organized teams using agile methodologies. Gradiant employees enjoy an excellent working environment with flexible hours, ideal to develop your personal and professional skills following our training and career plans.

Main duties of the job:

  • Design a Big Data architecture to support our real-time processing engine of the learning process.
  • Lead and/or coordinate the introduction of Big Data technologies to improve the performance of our processing capabilities.
  • Select and implement the most suitable Big Data Analytics tool alternative for each feature.

Skills required:

  • BsC/MsC in Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Science or related degrees.
  • Interest or experience in (Real-Time) Big Data Analytics tools: Apache Spark, Hadoop ecosystem, Apache Storm, Apache Flume and / or Apache Kafka.
  • Interest or experience in using data mining and / or Machine Learning tools (R, Weka, RapidMiner…).

Skills to be valued:

  • We are looking for a proactive and organized person, with strong teamwork capabilities.
  • Particular interest in finding solutions through data analytics.
  • A Master Degree in Computer Science, Information Technologies or Mass Analytics Technologies will be an asset.
  • B2 English level.

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Open positions VU University Amsterdam

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Voor 1.0 fte
Vacaturenummer 18383
VU onderdeel: External

Are you driven for research and teaching in econometrics and data science in a young, dynamic group? Then Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam would like to get to know you. Apply for the position of:


Hours per week: 40 hours

Job description
We seek two new colleagues who contribute to building and extending the department’s reputation for excellence in research and teaching. Our research aims at having impact, evidenced by publications in top international academic journals. Teaching focuses on econometrics and data science courses and student supervision. Applicants for starting positions receive a well-structured tenure track.

Your duties
• doing innovative research and publish this research at the highest level in the international top journals in your field
• creating a stimulating learning environment for students in econometrics and data science at all levels (BSc, MSc, PhD), and continue to improve teaching quality
• being active in acquiring additional research funds, both individually and as a team effort with your colleagues
• for senior positions: taking a leading role in the team that develops and manages our bachelor and master programmes in econometrics, operations research and data science

• a PhD degree, specializing in econometrics, statistics, machine learning, data science, or a related field.
• junior position applicants: strong research potential, teaching experience with good evaluations
• senior position applicants: strong proven track record in research and teaching, experience in curriculum development and management, experience in research valorization, team player
• fluency in English

What are we offering?
A challenging position in a socially involved organization.
For the job profile of Full professor, the remuneration on a full-time basis amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of € 5441,-. and a maximum € 7921,- in accordance with salary scale H2, depending on your education and experience. The job profile (Hoogleraar 2) is based on the university job ranking system.
For the job profile Associate professor (Universitair Hoofddocent 2) the remuneration amounts on a full-time basis to a minimum gross monthly salary of € 4911,- and a maximum € 5978,- in accordance with salary scale 13, depending on your education and experience.

For the job profile of Assistant professor (tenure track), the remuneration on a full-time basis amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of € 3545,- and a maximum € 4852,- in accordance with salary scale 11, depending on your education and experience. The job profile (Universitair docent 2) is based on the university job ranking system.
The initial employment contract for an Assistant professor will be for a period of 6 years, with the possibility of Tenure. The tenure track position involves research (40%) and teaching (60%). At the end of the second year a performance evaluation will take place. The Tenure Track Committee will review your file including the evaluation and advice on the continuation of your tenure track. In the fifth year, the Tenure Track Committee will review your file in order to decide upon the tenured assignment, based on the assessment criteria of the Tenure Track system at SBE.

Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:
• a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment
• 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
• considerable employer’s contribution to the ABP pension scheme
• contribution to commuting expenses
• optional model for designing a personalized benefits package
• a relocation allowances
• you may also be eligible for a favorable tax ruling for high-skilled expats (the so-called 30% ruling), which means that 30% of the salary is free of taxes, resulting in a higher net salary.

About Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The ambition of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is clear: to contribute to a better world through outstanding education and ground-breaking research. And to be a university where personal education and societal involvement play a leading role. Where people from different disciplines and backgrounds work together on innovations and on generating new knowledge. Our teaching and research embrace the whole spectrum of science – from the humanities, the social sciences and the pure sciences through to the life sciences and the medical sciences.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is home to more than 23,000 students. We employ more than 4,500 individuals. The VU campus is easily accessible, located in the heart of Amsterdam’s Zuidas district, a truly inspiring environment for teaching and research.

School of Business and Economics
The School of Business and Economics (SBE) provides high-quality education and excellent research in business administration and economics with a focus on contributing to the social, economic and ecological challenges of our time. Whether it is the use of robots in society or big data, labour market participation or flexibility in the labour market, traffic jams or the housing market, flash crashes in the stock market or choice behaviour in gambling, leadership or change management: we believe in goal-oriented scientific research and understand that progress in academics, the business community and society is achieved through cooperation, openness and social responsibility.

At SBE, all of our highly-motivated colleagues work together closely in a stimulating, dynamic and international environment to achieve our collective goal of encouraging society to make informed choices. Approximately 4,200 Bachelor’s and Master’s students and 1,700 executive students are enrolled at the School, and employs roughly 500 people.

The Department of Econometrics and Operations Research is driven for science with purpose, pushing the academic frontier by publishing at the highest level in the top international journals in our field and collaborating with outside partners to link academic advancement with real world problems. Teaching wise, our mission is to empower students with the methodological skills and enduring curiosity to contribute to solving today’s challenges in business and economics. Read more about our top rated BSc in Econometrics and Operations Research, our recent BSc specialization in Econometrics and Data Science, our top rated MSc in Econometrics and Operations Research and our highly successful minor programme Applied Econometrics. We also actively participate in the Tinbergen Institute and Amsterdam Business Research Institute, our internationally renowned joint graduate schools in Business and Economics. The department offers many collaboration opportunities for econometricians and data scientists, both within the department (time series modeling, forecasting, non-parametric and adaptive models, optimization methods, networks), across departments of SBE (labor and geno economics, spatial economics, finance, business), and across schools (business mathematics, artificial intelligence, life sciences).

Diversity is one of our university’s core values. We are an inclusive community, and we believe that diversity and international activities enhance the quality of education and research. We are always looking for people who can enhance diversity on our campus thanks to their background and experience.

Are you interested in this position? Send us an e-mail with your curriculum vitae detailing your publications and teaching experiences, cover letter and letter of references by 6 December 2018. Mention vacancy number 18383 Applicants for the tenure track position should make sure to add 3 letters of reference, their job market paper, and teaching evaluations if available. We plan to be available for interviews at the EEA and/or AEA meetings, but may also schedule online interviews at an earlier stage.

Name: Mrs. M. Maletic
Position: Managing Director SBE
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vacancy questions
If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, you may contact:

Name: Siem Jan Koopman
Position: Head of recruiting committee
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +31 20 598 6019

Name: Andre Lucas
Position: Head of department
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +31 20 598 6039

Relocation support
If you have any questions regarding moving to Amsterdam, and working at VU Amsterdam, you may contact:
Name: Wytske Siegersma
Position: Relocation Advisor
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +31 (20) 59 85037

More information

Admisión y matrícula


En los siguientes enlaces figura la información relativa a:
Etapas para la presentación de la tesis doctoral (procedimientos y plazos)
Información pública al respecto de tesis doctorales en depósito, información al respecto de los actos de defensa pública de las tesis, datos de contacto del Negociado de Tercer Ciclo e información relativa al procedimiento de la convocatoria anual de Premios Extraordinarios de Doctorado, para cada una de las tres universidades colaboradoras.

USC | UDC | UVigo

Período de formación

La etapa de formación del doctorado es través del Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas, interuniversitario. La universidad coordinadora del máster es la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y las universidades participantes son la Universidad de Coruña y Universidad de Vigo.

Criterios de admisión en la etapa investigadora

1) Se puede acceder a la etapa investigadora desde tres vías diferentes:

1.1) Desde el Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas (de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, de la Universidad de Coruña y de la Universidad de Vigo) .
1.2) Otro máster: todo estudiante que provenga del Programa de Doctorado Interuniversitario en Estadística e Investigación Operativa, ofertado con anterioridad al curso 2009-2010 en la USC y que tenga superada la fase de formación incluyendo el DEA, será, si así lo solicita, admitido en el período de investigación en este nuevo Programa de doctorado.
1.3) En otras situaciones, la comisión académica evaluará la situación del candidato para incorporarse al período de investigación, y en su caso, indicar complementos de formación.

2) Presentación de un proyecto de tesis avalado por uno de los posibles directores o tutores del Pe Doctorado


Course: 2023/2024
Number of matriculated persons: 100
Blanco Seijas, Adrián (USC)
Vázquez Quintela, Airas (USC)
Vilar González, Alba (USC)
Camino Enríquez, Alba (USC)
Couce Rodríguez, Alberto (UDC)
Aneiros Batista, Alexandro (UDC)
Carballo Puebla, Alfonso (USC)
de Prado Saborido, Álvaro (UVIGO)
Añón Dosil, Álvaro (UDC)
Fernández Theotonio, Álvaro (USC)
Domínguez Fernández, Ana (USC)
Blanco Bugueiro, Ana (USC)
Cao Ríos, Ana (USC)
Fidalgo Clase, Ana (USC)
González López, Andrea (USC)
López Fernández, Andrea (USC)
Domato Sousa, Andrés (UVIGO)
Mourelle Abelenda, Ángel (USC)
Narciso Estévez, Ángel José (UVIGO)
Rodríguez Ortiz, Anne (USC)
Rodríguez de Castro, Antón (USC)
Quintela Ferreiro, Antón (UDC)
Cadaveira Regueiro, Berta (USC)
Ben Arribi, Carlos (USC)
Lanzós López, Carlos (UVIGO)
Arias Morales, Carolina (USC)
Melendi Ortega, Celia (USC)
Pacheco Vera, César Abraham (USC)
Martínez Pérez, Clara (USC)
Mogo Castro, Cristian (USC)
Marques Corrales, Cristian (UVIGO)
Jove Díaz, Daniel (UDC)
González Paz, Daniel (UDC)
González Fariña, Daniel (UDC)
Gómez González, Daniela (USC)
Graña Vázquez, David (USC)
Barros Caballero, Denis (UVIGO)
Domínguez González, Emma (USC)
Sarante de los Santos, Erick Joaquín (UDC)
Castaño Otero, Fernando Martín (UDC)
Picchi Figueira, Florencia (USC)
Vicente Iglesias, Gemma (USC)
Alvarez Socorro, Gleisis (UVIGO)
Portela Vázquez, Guillermo (UDC)
González Vázquez, Héctor (USC)
Méndez Martínez, Hugo (UVIGO)
Iglesias Gende, Iria (USC)
Juan Sierra, James (UDC)
Lema Vidal, Jesús Manuel (UDC)
Morales Chávez, Joel Marcelo (USC)
Vázquez López, Johanna Karewith (UDC)
Delgado Briceño, Jorge (UDC)
Galcerán Francioni, Jorgelina Lais (UDC)
Aguete Outón, José Ignacio (UVIGO)
Orgeira Beiro, José Raúl (UDC)
Molina Valero, Juan Alberto (USC)
Recalde Pequeño, Juan José (UDC)
Rumipamba Chicaiza, Klever Azael (UDC)
Rodríguez Mouriño, Laura (UVIGO)
Martínez García, Laura (USC)
Alamancos Rodríguez, Luis (UDC)
Álvarez Rodríguez, Manuel (USC)
Fernández de Dios, Manuel Florencio (USC)
Gómez Rodríguez, Marcos (UDC)
Carballido Lago, Marcos (USC)
de la Fuente Blanco, María Dolores (USC)
Francesch Domenech, Maria Erika (UDC)
Pérez Sierra, María Gabriela (UDC)
Hidalgo Sulbarán, María Gracia (USC)
Villar Guerra, María Teresa (UVIGO)
Ramallo Blanco, Marina (USC)
Mañá Blanco, Marta (UVIGO)
Basdediós Tilve, Martina (USC)
Soto Tielas, Mateo (UVIGO)
Cabaleiro Lago, Matías (UVIGO)
Vidal Antepazo, Mauro (USC)
Peralta Paniagua, Miladys (UDC)
Queiro Alberte, Nahir (USC)
Ventura Jiménez, Natanael (UVIGO)
Sánchez Martínez, Noelia (USC)
Benavente Fernández, Olamar (UVIGO)
Martos Dourado, Óscar (UDC)
Carballo Fraguas, Pablo (USC)
Iglesias Hernández, Pablo (UVIGO)
Álvarez González, Pablo (UDC)
Menéndez-Trillo, Pablo (USC)
Soto Rodríguez, Paula (USC)
Seoane Giao, Paula (USC)
Fermín González, Rikelvi Felipe (UDC)
Vilela Picos, Sandra (USC)
Reinal Giménez, Santiago (USC)
Arce Pilo, Santiago (UVIGO)
Barbeito Herrero, Sara (USC)
Costa Carballo, Telmo (USC)
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Tomé (UVIGO)
Tomeo, Toribio (USC)
Platas García, Víctor (USC)
Suárez Dios, Xabier (UVIGO)
Bonifacio Durán, Yeuri de Jesús (UDC)
Li, Yili (UVIGO)
Students enrolled in loose materials or other master:0
Further Education Enrolment / access Doctorate:0
Students from another master:1
Mascareñas Pazos, Alicia (UDC)