
The news section publishes information on calls for scholarships.
In addition, you can find information about a SCHOLARSHIPS in the next webs of the three organizing Universities.

More information on scholarships:

Students from abroad

Becas para extranjeros para Investigaciones y Estudios de Postgrado y Especialización en Organismos Públicos Españoles y Centros Docentes No Universitarios (Programa MUTIS para solicitantes iberoamericanos) (apartado "Clases de becas MAEC-AECID")
Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program
Becas de la Secretaría Xeral de Emigración destinadas a gallegos y descendientes residentes en el extranjero

Students from the Spanish University System

Becas para cursar estudios de Másteres Oficiales del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Becas de la Consellería de Educación (Xunta de Galicia) para la realización de estudios oficiales de postgrado en las Universidades del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (SUG) conducentes al título de Máster
Becas de la Fundación Caixa Galicia-Claudio San Martín para estudios de postgrado
Becas de la Obra Social Fundación "La Caixa" para la realización de Másteres en España
Becas de la Fundación "Caja Madrid" para la formación de postgrado de titulados universitarios residentes en España
Becas de la Obra Social de Caja España para la realización de Másteres en España
Becas de la Fundación Rafael del Pino


Admission and registration

Note: This website is only informative and the pre-registration and enrolment process is carried out at the universities organising the Master's (USC, UDC and UVigo). By agreement, the regulations of the university where the student has enrolled will be applied to each student, although it will be possible to change the university of enrolment during the studies. In addition, it is also indicated that students will not encounter difficulties that prevent them from changing universities to take this degree. More precise and up-to-date information on the calendar, pre-enrolment, enrolment, lists of admitted students, etc. can be found on the main websites (teaching section on Masters in each of the three Galician universities).

  • Admission criteria and selection

Number of places for each University:

  1. University of Santiago de Compostela: 25 places.
  2. University of A Coruña: 25 places.
  3. University of Vigo: 25 places.
Special access test. No special access test is established for this Master.
Admission to the programme will be made taking into account the following aspects: degree access (70% - up to 7 points), student file (20% - up to 2 points) and curriculum vitae of the candidate (10% - up to 1 point). The access qualifications will be scored according to their degree of statistical content and operational research, in view of the student's file. By way of reference, the contents of a Degree in Mathematics will be evaluated between 6 and 7 points, depending on whether the student has taken complementary optional subjects of statistical content or operational research. Other undergraduate degrees with a relatively broad content of descriptive statistics and statistical inference will be evaluated between 5 and 6 points, depending also on the option taken. As a reference, this group includes Degrees in Biology, Psychology, Engineering, Medicine, Business Administration and Management, Economics or similar. The remaining undergraduate degrees that have a basic statistical content, understanding as such that there is no subject dedicated to the introduction of statistical concepts, but rather that statistics is used as an instrumental tool, will be evaluated between 3 and 4 points.

The following is a document in which the above-mentioned criteria have been developed:

Calendar of Pre-registration and Registration

This information will be updated as universities announce enrollment deadlines for the 2023-2024 academic year. We recommend that you always consult the official websites of each of the three universities.



Official website of the USC

Complete USC Calendar




Web oficial de la UDC
UDC Registration procedure





Official website of the UVigo
Complete UVigo Calendar

The USC and UVigo allowed to enroll part of the courses so that students undertake the Masters in double time by following a curriculum that students agree with the coordinator of the Master. The UDC allows a partial registration of the course more flexible, less able to enroll subjects in each course. To this end, the student must have the approval of the coordinator of the Master. For more information on this type of registration to contact the coordinator of the Master in the current university.

Admission and registration - More information

Registered students

Course: 2023/2024
Number of matriculated persons: 100
Blanco Seijas, Adrián (USC)
Vázquez Quintela, Airas (USC)
Vilar González, Alba (USC)
Camino Enríquez, Alba (USC)
Couce Rodríguez, Alberto (UDC)
Aneiros Batista, Alexandro (UDC)
Carballo Puebla, Alfonso (USC)
de Prado Saborido, Álvaro (UVIGO)
Añón Dosil, Álvaro (UDC)
Fernández Theotonio, Álvaro (USC)
Domínguez Fernández, Ana (USC)
Blanco Bugueiro, Ana (USC)
Cao Ríos, Ana (USC)
Fidalgo Clase, Ana (USC)
González López, Andrea (USC)
López Fernández, Andrea (USC)
Domato Sousa, Andrés (UVIGO)
Mourelle Abelenda, Ángel (USC)
Narciso Estévez, Ángel José (UVIGO)
Rodríguez Ortiz, Anne (USC)
Quintela Ferreiro, Antón (UDC)
Rodríguez de Castro, Antón (USC)
Cadaveira Regueiro, Berta (USC)
Ben Arribi, Carlos (USC)
Lanzós López, Carlos (UVIGO)
Arias Morales, Carolina (USC)
Melendi Ortega, Celia (USC)
Pacheco Vera, César Abraham (USC)
Martínez Pérez, Clara (USC)
Marques Corrales, Cristian (UVIGO)
Mogo Castro, Cristian (USC)
Jove Díaz, Daniel (UDC)
González Paz, Daniel (UDC)
González Fariña, Daniel (UDC)
Gómez González, Daniela (USC)
Graña Vázquez, David (USC)
Barros Caballero, Denis (UVIGO)
Domínguez González, Emma (USC)
Sarante de los Santos, Erick Joaquín (UDC)
Castaño Otero, Fernando Martín (UDC)
Picchi Figueira, Florencia (USC)
Vicente Iglesias, Gemma (USC)
Alvarez Socorro, Gleisis (UVIGO)
Portela Vázquez, Guillermo (UDC)
González Vázquez, Héctor (USC)
Méndez Martínez, Hugo (UVIGO)
Iglesias Gende, Iria (USC)
Juan Sierra, James (UDC)
Lema Vidal, Jesús Manuel (UDC)
Morales Chávez, Joel Marcelo (USC)
Vázquez López, Johanna Karewith (UDC)
Delgado Briceño, Jorge (UDC)
Galcerán Francioni, Jorgelina Lais (UDC)
Aguete Outón, José Ignacio (UVIGO)
Orgeira Beiro, José Raúl (UDC)
Molina Valero, Juan Alberto (USC)
Recalde Pequeño, Juan José (UDC)
Rumipamba Chicaiza, Klever Azael (UDC)
Rodríguez Mouriño, Laura (UVIGO)
Martínez García, Laura (USC)
Alamancos Rodríguez, Luis (USC)
Álvarez Rodríguez, Manuel (USC)
Fernández de Dios, Manuel Florencio (USC)
Gómez Rodríguez, Marcos (UDC)
Carballido Lago, Marcos (USC)
de la Fuente Blanco, María Dolores (USC)
Francesch Domenech, Maria Erika (UDC)
Pérez Sierra, María Gabriela (UDC)
Hidalgo Sulbarán, María Gracia (USC)
Villar Guerra, María Teresa (UVIGO)
Ramallo Blanco, Marina (USC)
Mañá Blanco, Marta (UVIGO)
Basdediós Tilve, Martina (USC)
Soto Tielas, Mateo (UVIGO)
Cabaleiro Lago, Matías (UVIGO)
Vidal Antepazo, Mauro (USC)
Peralta Paniagua, Miladys (UDC)
Queiro Alberte, Nahir (USC)
Ventura Jiménez, Natanael (UVIGO)
Sánchez Martínez, Noelia (USC)
Benavente Fernández, Olamar (UVIGO)
Martos Dourado, Óscar (UDC)
Iglesias Hernández, Pablo (UVIGO)
Álvarez González, Pablo (UDC)
Menéndez-Trillo, Pablo (USC)
Carballo Fraguas, Pablo (USC)
Seoane Giao, Paula (USC)
Soto Rodríguez, Paula (USC)
Fermín González, Rikelvi Felipe (UDC)
Vilela Picos, Sandra (USC)
Arce Pilo, Santiago (UVIGO)
Reinal Giménez, Santiago (USC)
Barbeito Herrero, Sara (USC)
Costa Carballo, Telmo (USC)
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Tomé (UVIGO)
Tomeo, Toribio (USC)
Platas García, Víctor (USC)
Suárez Dios, Xabier (UVIGO)
Bonifacio Durán, Yeuri de Jesús (UDC)
Li, Yili (UVIGO)
Students enrolled in loose materials or other master:0
Further Education Enrolment / access Doctorate:0
Students from another master:1
Mascareñas Pazos, Alicia (UDC)

Matriculados por materia EN

Select the subject and the course in the drop-down menu and a list will appear with the registered students in the above mentioned subject.

Forms Master in Statistical Techniques 2021

1. Registration form:

2. Record consent form: