EMPLEO | Contrato asociado al proyecto: “Armonización de datos poblacionales de fauna silvestre en España: aplicaciones para la vigilancia sanitaria y control de enfermedades compartidas con el ganado (HAWIPO)” (Ciudad Real, SPAIN)

Convocatoria de contrato asociado al proyecto: “Armonización de datos poblacionales de fauna silvestre en España: aplicaciones para la vigilancia sanitaria y control de enfermedades compartidas con el ganado (HAWIPO)”; financiado por el Plan Nacional de Investigación.

Call for a contract associated with the project: “Harmonization of population data of wildlife in Spain: applications to sanitary surveillance and control of diseases shared with livestock (HAWIPO)”; funded by the National Research Plan.

We are looking for a graduate with advanced knowledge in geographic information systems, data management and statistical analysis in spatio-temporal contexts to work on the HAWIPO project, based at the Wildlife Research Institute (IREC, Spain). The main objective of the project is to model wildlife abundance (ungulates), and subsequently, the interface with livestock. The contractor will be responsible for the data search, its storage and processing in accordance with previously established standards, and will participate in the modeling of the distribution patterns and abundance of wildlife, and its interface with livestock in a further step.

Experience in the use of geographic information systems, database management and spatio-temporal statistical analysis (R environment) are required. For this, in addition to the training courses, scientific contributions (R&D projects, articles in JCR journals, communications to scientific meetings) with relevant participation of the candidate will be taken into account. The contract offered here, could have continuity in the context of European projects running at IREC.

Those interested, send the CV and a motivation letter to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. and Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. before 31st Jan 2022