The Department of Statistics and Operations Research and the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) organize a course on EMPIRICAL PROCESSES, given by Prof. Winfried Stute (Universiteit Giessen, Germany), from 05/11/12 until 09/11/12 (from 16:00 to 20:00). The course will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics (USC), with the following program:
- Sessions 1: Empirical distributions: basic facts and first applications (I).
- Sessions 2: Empirical distributions: basic facts and first applications (II).
- Session 3: Smoothing technology: the non-adaptive and adaptive way.
- Session 4: The art of model diagnosis.
- Session 5: Applications in Survival Analysis (I).
- Session 6: Applications in Survival Analysis (II).
- Session 7: Nonparametric analysis of directional data (I).
- Session 8: Nonparametric analysis of directional data (II).
- Session 9: Empirical likelihood.
- Session 10: Statistical analysis of point processes.
Registration is free of charge, up to a maximum of 25 participants. Students should send an e-mail to the secretary of the IMAT (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.).
Further information: and here.