Multiple postdoc and research engineer positions available at AutoML Freiburg

In the context of Frank Hutter's ERC grant on automated deep learning and several other grants for basic research, there are multiple positions open for outstanding postdocs, as well as outstanding research engineers, in AutoML in Freiburg, Germany. Starting dates are flexible, but the application deadline is March 15th.

The funding for these positions is for *basic research* on AutoML -- pure methods development without the need for any particular application. Our focus is on automated deep learning, neural architecture search, efficient hyperparameter optimization, learning to learn, and AutoML in general, and we have a track record of developing widely-used open-source tools, such as Auto-sklearn (

The salary scale for full-time positions is TV-L E13 to TV-L E14, with a monthly gross salary between 4000 EUR and 4600 EUR, depending on experience and previous position. Please see the full job posting at for details.
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