Early Stage Researcher (PhD student) in Statistical Genetics, Eurac Research

Dear Colleagues,

I am looking for an Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student) in Statistical Genetics to work on "Multi-omics investigation of the genetic and molecular basis of chronic kidney disease". The candidate should have a background in Statistics, Biostatistics or Bioinformatics, and must not have resided or carried out her/his main activity in Italy for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. The student will work at the Eurac Research Institute for Biomedicine in Bolzano (Italy) and will be enrolled in the Medical Sciences doctoral school of the Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands).

Full advertisement on Euraxess: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/507370
On Eurac webpage: http://www.eurac.edu/en/aboutus/Jobs/Pages/Early-Stage-Researcher-(PhD-Student)-to-work-on-%E2%80%9CMulti-omics-investigation-of-the-genetic-and-molecular-basis-of-01042020.aspx

Deadline: May 10, 2020

Full job description is also reported below.

I am very thankful if you could disseminate broadly.

Best regards,
Cristian Pattaro
Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student) to work on "Multi-omics investigation of the genetic and molecular basis of chronic kidney disease"

Eurac Research offers a 3-year PhD position within the TrainCKDis, an Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project awarded within the Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/860977; GA Number: 860997). TrainCKDis will train a new generation of 15 translational researchers who will develop innovative solutions for treating common complex diseases such as chronic kidney disease. The Early Stage Researcher will work in high level academic and non-academic institutions across Europe, where they will be supervised by experienced scientists, and will engage with leading pharmaceutical companies.

As of 1 September 2020 the following MSCA Fellowship will be assigned: "Multi-omics investigation of the genetic and molecular basis of chronic kidney disease". The project will last 3 years.

Eurac Research is an applied research centre located in Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. The Eurac Research Institute for Biomedicine is home of an international and interdisciplinary team of scientists, students and support staff, integrated in an excellent network of international and national partners. Living and working in Bozen/Bolzano allows to experience a unique combination of Alpine and Mediterranean culture right at the heart of one of the most exciting mountain regions in Europe.

The Early Stage Researcher will be employed full time at the Eurac Research Institute for Biomedicine (Bolzano, Italy), where she/he will work with Dr. Cristian Pattaro. The Early Stage Researcher will be enrolled in the PhD Program of Leiden University Medical Center graduate school upon meeting the qualifications of admission. Short stays abroad by other TrainCKDis partner universities, companies, and hospitals for specific training are foreseen, as well as participation to international consortia activities, such as those of the CKDGen, to interact with an international panel of data analysts.

Deadline for application: May 10, 2020

Beginning of the Fellowship: September 2020


The successful candidate is expected to conduct statistical analyses of genetic (genome-wide and whole-exome sequencing data), biological, and health data from large population-based studies. She/he will develop programs and algorithms to integrate data from different sources (metabolomics, transcriptomics, DNA methylation) with the aim to perform multivariate data analysis and causal inference analysis (Mendelian randomization).

- Master degree in quantitative disciplines such as Statistics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Computer Science, or similar Disciplines
- Data analysis scripting ability
- Compliance with the eligibility criteria (see below)

We offer
- 3 year contract (full time), salary based on MSCA rates. Please see the information note of the European Commission for more details
- High level international cooperation while working in a motivated international team
- Eurac Research ranks 35st among the best work places in Italy and offers many opportunities in combining work and family activities
- An attractive working place in the heart of the Alps with endless opportunities for open-air activities

1. To be eligible for recruitment, the candidate must - at the date of recruitment - be within the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research career and not have a doctoral degree. Full-time equivalent research experience is measured from the date when the degree entitling to embark on a doctorate was obtained (either in the country in which the degree was obtained, or in the country in which the candidate will be recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged. The candidate may therefore be required to provide documentation proving their eligibility for recruitment.
2. The candidate must not have resided or carried out her/his main activity (e.g. work, studies) in the country where she/ he is applying for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date. Holidays are not counted.
How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their application (CV, cover letter and at least 1 reference contact) by 10.05.2020 via Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating "TrainCKDis PhD studentship" as subject:
Eurac Research, Institute for Biomedicine Via Galvani 31 - 39100 Bolzano, Italy
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.- www.eurac.edu
Tel: +39 0471 055 500 / Fax: + 39 0471 055 599

For further information please contact Cristian Pattaro: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +39 0471 055 527

TrainCKDis project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N°860977.

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Please add the following consent if it is of interest to you: "I hereby explicitly authorize Eurac Research to store my personal data for the purpose of being contacted for potential future job openings".

Cristian Pattaro
Eurac Research
Institute for Biomedicine
Tel +39 0471 055 527
Galvanistraße/Via Galvani 31
39100 Bozen/Bolzano

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