University of Venice (IT)

The University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (IT) is seeking for postdoctoral researchers in the fields of statistics, machine learning or bioinformatics to work on the theme

"Estimating optimal personalized treatments for complex medical disorders”

Great advances in biomedical technology have led to the generation of large data sets useful in tailoring treatments to specific patient characteristics. A challenging problem in this emerging field of precision medicine is to build a computational framework to estimate from data optimal personalized treatments, based on a sequence of decision rules which maximize for each patient a desirable clinical outcome. The data to be used in this project are longitudinal and high dimensional, involving patients from different European countries suffering from renal pathologies associated with type II diabetes. The candidate will be asked to construct and estimate predictive models to discover the most effective combinatorial therapy. The candidate will work in a research team with statisticians and computer scientists at the Centre ECLT ( . This research is funded through the H2020 EU project: Drug combinations for rewriting trajectories of renal pathologies in type II diabetes (see DC-ren, at, in the area System approaches for the discovery of combinatorial therapies for complex disorders, with duration 2020-2025. The ECLT team will include statisticians and computer scientists. Experience in using a major statistical package (R, MATLAB) is required.

This post is fixed-term for 2 years, in the first instance.

Closing Date May 4th 2020 AT 12:00 Italian Time

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