3 Lectureships in Statistics & Data Analytics at the University of Glasgow

Up to 3 positions are available in the Statistics and Data Analytics group (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow) as a result of strategic investment for our AI3 initiative of Analytics and Inference Innovation for Impact, for more information see https://gla.ai:

Lecturer in Statistics and Data Analytics
* Positions available on either an open ended or two year, fixed-term basis.
* Available on either the Research & Teaching or Learning, Teaching & Scholarship track.
* Attractive start-up packages are available.

Salary: Research and Teaching Grade 7/8, £35,845 - £40,322 / £44,045 - £51,034 per annum
Vacancy Reference: 037061
Closing date: 18 May 2020
Apply here: https://my.corehr.com/pls/uogrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=037061

Senior Lecturer / Reader in Statistics and Data Analytics
* Positions available as open ended appointments.
* Available on either the Research & Teaching or Learning, Teaching & Scholarship track.
* Attractive start-up packages are available

Salary: Research and Teaching Grade 9, £52,560 - £59,135 per annum
Vacancy Reference: 037060
Closing date: 18 May 2020
Apply here: https://my.corehr.com/pls/uogrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=037060

Applications for these posts are welcome in any areas of data analytics, data science, statistical methodology and teaching innovation that complement the existing strengths within the School. We particularly encourage applications from those with interests at the interface of computational statistics and data science that could contribute/lead related research or scholarship within the School, and contribute to our very successful and expanding online distance learning and on-campus MSc programmes in Data Analytics.

For informal inquiries please contact Professor Ian Strachan (Head of School): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Professor Claire Miller (Head of Statistics): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prof. Claire Miller (nee Ferguson)
Professor of Statistics
Head of Statistics

School of Mathematics and Statistics
The Mathematics and Statistics building
University Place
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ

Direct line: +44 (0)141 330 5023
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4814

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401