Funded PhD in biostatistics at Birmingham UK

PhD studentship in biostatistics
PhD opportunity working in the biostatistics group in the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham with supervision provided additionally from Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham.

Other information
The funding available is a standard studentship package for home fees, research council stipend (£15,009 from Oct 2019) and £5,000 p.a. consumables. If the studentship is part-time then the funding can be spread over a longer period.
This PhD is funded by the Trials Methodology Research Partnership (TMRP) and the student will be linked to a cohort of PhD students funded by this programme based across 25 Universities and Trials Units in the UK.
The programme will run at least two training events per year and students will be financially supported to attend complementary core activities run by TMRP:
• 2-3 TMRP PhD training days and socials per year with UK wide PhD students working on a variety of trials methodology related projects (First event in March 2020)
• Biennial Student symposium to coincide with TMRP Biennial meeting (provisionally Autumn 2020)
• Also Regular TMRP communications: TMRP, webinars, newsletters and Twitter
Other benefits include:
• Encouraged membership and engagement with one or more TMRP Working groups of relevance to PhD
• Greater awareness and opportunities to engage with research and developments activities and events within and in connection with TMRP – including TMRP partner organisations
• ICTMC conference 2021

Contact Karla Hemming This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.