Academic full-time position in Statistics at University of Santiago, Chile

University of Santiago, Chile
Faculty of Science
Department Mathematics and Computer Science
Full-time academic position in Statistics

Prior experience:
- Applicants should have undergraduate training in mathematics or statistics, and a Doctoral or equivalent degree (Sc.D or Ph. D.) in Statistics.
- Candidates must demonstrate experience in teaching in science or engineering majors, preferably in statistics, and professional experience in their area of expertise.
- Candidates must have scientific production and projects in line with the requirements in the guidelines of productivity for graduate academic cloister in Statistics of the Chilean national commission for accreditation (CNA).

Teaching: The selected academic shall teach Statistics in the major programs of the area of science and engineering.
Research: The selected academic shall:
- Conduct research in statistics in any of the following areas: Time-series, Computational Statistics and Big Data; Multivariate Analysis and Bayesian Statistics.
- Demonstrate the ability to obtain resources for funding outside the university.
- The selected academic shall develop outreach and engagement projects.

Selected candidates will undergo an academic ranking process, which will place them in one of the following hierarchies: Full Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor Professor. The hierarchy attained will determine the remuneration of the academic.

Closes on March 9th 2020
Details on

For academic enquiries contact Professor Victor H. Salinas (Head of Statistics), email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.