Fully-funded PhD position in time series analysis at Ghent University (Belgium)

PhD position in time series analysis at the KERMIT research unit (Ghent University, Belgium)

Job description

The Department of Economy, Science & Innovation of the Flemish government has recently decided to invest strongly in research on artificial intelligence. In this context, the research unit KERMIT (Knowledge-based Systems) has a vacancy for a PhD student with funding for 3-4 years. We intend to hire an excellent candidate that will work on time series analysis with machine learning methods. As a result of previous projects, our research unit has built up expertise on several aspects of time series analysis, such as Granger causality modelling, time series classification, time series forecasting, detection of extreme values, supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection, detection of break points, etc. The new PhD student is expected to continue this line of research. He/she will be mainly working on fundamental problems, but some time will also be dedicated to specific applications that involve time series data.

The PhD candidate will be supervised by Prof. Bernard De Baets and Prof. Willem Waegeman of the KERMIT research unit (acronym for Knowledge Extraction and Representation Management by means of Intelligent techniques). KERMIT adopts a holistic view on mathematical and computational modelling, acknowledging the needs of our modern information society with a particular focus on the applied biological sciences. It strives to keep a unique balance between theoretical developments and practical applications, a strategy that has proven particularly successful, regarding the output, visibility and recognition of the team. It plays a pioneering role by promoting existing as well as developing new methods in a broad range of disciplines.

Job profile

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a passion for cutting-edge machine learning research. The ideal candidate for the position has the following profile:

An MSc degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering, or equivalent – candidates from outside Belgium are welcome to apply.

An interest for fundamental machine learning research, as well as practical applications.

In-depth experience with at least one programming language (Matlab, R, Python, Julia, Java, etc.)

Fluent in English (speaking and writing, as demonstrated by personal texts).

Team player with good communication skills.

Start date

As soon as possible.

How to apply
Send your c.v., a motivation letter, a copy of your MSc thesis and/or any relevant publications to Ruth Van Den Driessche (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment! Feel free to mail the (co-)supervisor(s) to enquire for more information.