Beca de master de investigación en la Universidad de Tecnología de Troyes

Internship (M2) - February / July 2019: Micro-service orchestration Want to be a precursor in the development of new web technologies?

Optimization and programmability of networks interest you?
This internship is for you!

In collaboration with Orange Lab, Montimage, CNRS-LORIA and ICD-Troyes, this project is part of a national project (ANR) on the optimization of multi-level orchestration and multitechnologies.

For several years now, the virtualization of network functions, the programmability of the data plan, and now the micro-services partition, have extended the agility of network infrastructures via an orchestrator. Given this context, the crucial questions are : Which services to deploy?
Where? How? ... In order to facilitate their deployment and ensure their level of performance.
Objectives of the internship and requested work The issue focuses on the design and implementation of orchestration solutions, capable of handling micro-services based on several network programmability technologies. This includes: (1) optimizing the placement of micro services (filtering, attack detection, etc.) and (2) routing data in a virtual and dynamic network. In particular, we will focus on maintaining a certain quality of service and security properties and we will use the P4 network programming language. The main expected work is divided into three stages:
1. A technical study of the different technologies of orchestration and network programmability (container on server, equipment P4, etc.).
2. Design of an architecture allowing an orchestration combining different technologies in a global infrastructure, and respecting the constraints of service and security.
3. Validation by numerical simulations and experiments in real conditions.
Ideally, candidates should master the mathematical tools of modeling and combinatorial optimization (solvers), and have solid knowledge in the operation of computer networks and programming (typically Python / C / Matlab).
Place of the internship: Charles Delaunay Institute of the University of Technology of Troyes (cross-sectional "Cyber-security") + Collaborations with the various partners of the project (Orange Lab, Montimage, CNRS-LORIA).
Remuneration: around 455 € per month.
Depending on the results obtained, an extension via a doctoral thesis may be proposed.

Rémi Cogranne: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 03 25 75 96 72
Guillaume Doyen: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 03 25 71 85 70
Samiya Ayed: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 03 25 71 84 46
Caroline Prodhon: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 03 25 71 84 47