Postdoctoral Fellowship in Statistics in São Carlos, Brazil

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Statistics in São Carlos, Brazil

Title: Posteriori properties for Bayesian regression models and applications in large and complex industrial and medical data

The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), hosted by the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and funded by FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil) is offering a 1-year post-doctoral fellowship for candidates with outstanding research potential.

This position is focused on the study of posteriori properties in Bayesian regression models and applications in large and complex industrial and medical data. The fellow will work under the direction of Professor Francisco Louzada in the Institute of Mathematical Science and Computing at the University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.

Applicants must have received, or expect to complete, a doctorate in Mathematics, Statistics or related discipline within the last 5 years. Selection criteria will include demonstrated research ability in Mathematics, Statistics or related discipline, a strong background in real analysis, integration in R^n, measure, Bayesian methodology and computation, experience with analysis of datasets, commitment to collaborative research, and excellent verbal and written communication skills. It is also desirable that the candidate has previous experience working in a multidisciplinary research group and has collaborated on research projects with companies or governmental institutions.

To apply please e-mail (only PDF files) the following documents to Professor Francisco Louzada at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 15 November 2019:

1. A letter of interest, containing full contact information, year graduated and citizenship/immigration status, concisely responding to the research emphases and criteria above;

2. A CV listing educational background, research experience and publications;

3. A cover letter including names and contact information for three references (no letters please).

Please indicate “CEPID Postdoc” in the subject field of the message.

Francisco Louzada