3-year post-doc positions in mathematics and optimization: Whittaker fellowships at the University of Edinburgh - Deadline 21 Nov

The School of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh wishes to appoint five WHITTAKER RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS. We are seeking outstanding candidates to enhance the current strengths of the School, to connect existing areas of expertise within the School, or to pursue connections with application areas. The fellowships are each for three years and feature a 10% teaching duty.

The School intends to appoint at least one fellowship in each of its themes: Optimization, Operational Research and Statistics (OORS); Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM); Analysis and Probability (AP); Structure & Symmetry (SS – featuring Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Topology). Applications that sit between or beyond these themes or are based in Mathematical Sciences Education (MSE) are also welcome.

The closing date for applications is 5pm (UK time) on November 21st, 2019. Interviews will be held in December and you must be willing to take up the position on or before 1st July 2020. The starting salary will be in the range of £33,797 - £40,322, depending on experience.

For further details, including how to apply, see:

Potential candidates with academic questions are encouraged to contact Professor Iain Gordon (Head of School) by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Questions of an administrative nature should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..