PhD or Postdoc position, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich, Germany

LMU Munich

Department of Statistics

Applications are invited for a PhD student (65% TV-L 13 for three years) or postdoctoral fellow (100% TV-L 13 for two years) starting July 1 at the earliest and December 1, 2018 at the latest.

This research position is funded by the German Research Foundation within the project 'Statistical modeling using mouse movements to model measurement error and improve data quality in web surveys'. In particular, regression and classification models with computer mouse trajectories as covariates are to be developed and implemented in open source software. The project is a collaboration with Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter (University of Mannheim and Institute for Employment Research).

We offer an interdisciplinary research collaboration and an exciting research project at a very active department at one of the leading research universities in Germany.

More information on the supervisor Prof. Dr. Sonja Greven and the working group can be found at

Applications are invited from candidates with MSc or PhD in Statistics, Mathematics or a related field. We expect high motivation, an interest in the development of statistical methods, good communication skills and programming experience.

Please send your application as a single pdf (not larger than 10 MB) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by June 10, 2018. Later applications may be considered if the position is not yet filled.

In the case of questions, please contact
Prof. Dr. Sonja Greven
Department of Statistics, LMU Munich
Ludwigstr. 33
80539 München
Tel: +49/89/2180-3803
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.