EMPLEO | Two-year postdoc grant GERONA

The department IMAE offers a two-year postdoc grant (modality C “Maria Zambrano”) starting on February of 2022. They are aimed at research staff with a cumulative postdoctoral background of not less than 24 months at Spanish or foreign universities or research centers, different than the one where the candidate obtained his or her PhD. The candidate must be carrying out research projects at the time of application, and / or teaching at universities or research centers outside of Spain.

The research trajectory of the beneficiary must fit within one of the following areas in which our research groups are included:
• Statistics and Operational Research
• Computer Languages and Systems
• Applied Mathematics

The application submission period starts on Monday 12/07/2021 and ends on Wednesday 01/09/2021, and must be submitted through the link https://aserv2.udg.edu/RecercaReq/