3 Postdoctoral positions at Department of Statistics (uc3m)

Postdoctoral positions at Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

The Department of Statistics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) invites applications for up to three postdoctoral positions, starting on September 1, 2021, with a duration of up to three years.

Job requirements include:

· A PhD from a university other than UC3M obtained between January 2015 and July 2021 in the fields of interest to the Department, which include Econometrics, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics.
· An excellent track record of research experience in any of the areas of the Department, reflected in high-quality publications.
· Demonstrated high-quality teaching experience and/or proven didactic skills.
· Excellent proficiency in English (written and verbal, as successful candidates are expected to teach courses in English, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels).

More information: Estancias Postdoctorales

UC3M (see www.uc3m.es/Home) is a high-ranking young (founded in 1989) research-oriented public Spanish university.

The Department of Statistics (see www.uc3m.es/statistics), which has about 35 full-time faculty members with a broad variety of research interests, mostly within Statistics, but also in Econometrics and in Operations Research, is committed to excellent standards in teaching and research. The Department is in charge of teaching Statistics related courses in most undergraduate degrees offered by UC3M, spanning the Schools of Engineering, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The Department is involved as well in a number of postgraduate programs, especially the Master in Statistics for Data Science and the Master in Big Data Analytics, and in a PhD program.

By the deadline of March 21, 2021, applicants should send their applications by following the instructions in Estancias Postdoctorales .

Prior to submitting their applications as indicated above, it is necessary that candidates send, by March 14 at the latest, a preliminary application to the Statistics Department, at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (to which queries can be addressed) including: A cv, a statement of research and teaching interests, and at least the name of a person who will provide a letter of reference.