Ph.D. student position at the Institute of Applied Statistics, Johannes Kepler University Linz. A

Ph.D. student position at the Institute of Applied Statistics, Johannes Kepler University Linz. Austria.

We are searching for a talented Ph.D. student interested in doing research related to statistics for modern genomic data.

Job description:
Nowadays huge amounts of genome sequencing data are produced for humans and many other species. This may be viewed as an example of a “big data” situation which requires the development of new suitable statistical methodology. In experimental evolution for instance, samples from populations are sequenced repeatedly over time to study adaptation to environmental factors. Each sequencing experiment produces 100s of gigabytes of data, and efficient methods are necessary to process this data and produce reliable results in view of an all-encompassing multiple testing issue. Working in this area also requires collaboration with researchers from the biosciences and medicine.

Candidates are required to have a Master’s degree in statistics, mathematics or a related field. Good English language skills are also required. Computing and programming skills are desirable. Some knowledge or at least interest in bioinformatics would be a plus. Terms and conditions PhD Student:
A four year contract (30h/week) will be offered. The terms of employment are in accordance with the Austrian Collective Labour Agreement. The gross monthly salary is approx. €2000 (paid 14 times a year), with an extra bonus paid for teaching duties, and an increase in salary after the third year.

Applications should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Search will continue until the position is filled. All applications should include a resume, a motivation letter, and a list of your grades. For further enquiries, please contact Prof. Andreas Futschik This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.