Faculty positions in Statistical Learning, Lancaster University

Faculty positions in Statistical Learning in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, UK
The Statistical Learning group at the University of Lancaster has two open positions. Our group, within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, is seeking a candidate at each of the Lecturer and Senior Lecturer levels (Assistant and Associate Professor respectively). We are seeking candidates who carry out excellent research at the boundary of statistics and machine learning, while being capable and enthusiastic contributors to the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

This is an opportunity to join one of the UK's most prominent statistics groups at an exciting time. We already have one of the largest and strongest statistics research groups in the UK comprising 23 academic staff, 10 research associates and 40 FTE research students. The posts advertised are part of a substantial further investment in Mathematics and Statistics at Lancaster University, with the creation of 10 new permanent positions. This investment saw the appointment of a Chair and Lecturer in Statistical Learning in 2014. The posts advertised here will further grow the Statistical Learning group.

As well as Statistical Learning, current Statistics research at Lancaster includes computational statistics, non-stationary time series and changepoints, extremes and medical statistics. We also work closely with a strong Operational Research group in the Management School, which has expertise in optimisation, sequential decision problems and forecasting.

Lancaster's excellent track record in the development of novel Statistics and OR methodology in response to industrial challenge is recognised through funding for the STORi Centre for Doctoral Training, which will recruit and support 12 PhD students a year until 2022. Furthermore the Statistics section currently leads one of four nodes in the EPSRC-funded £2.4M i-like programme grant, the first to be awarded in Statistics. The University is consequently providing substantial support to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, with these 10 new permanent positions being created.

The closing date for both jobs is Monday 12 January 2015. Full details are available at http://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=A940R And http://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=A941R .

For further information, please contact David Leslie (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).