Summer School GAME THEORY and ALGORITHMS - Preliminary announcement

Spread the first information about the Summer School GAME THEORY and ALGORITHMS to be held in Campione d’Italia on September 6-11, 2015.
The school is oriented to PhD students, post-doc, and young scholars. It has a distinguished interdisciplinary flavour, with speakers whose experiences come from Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics.
It is organized in order to provide incentives for direct contacts among the participants; the lectures will be delivered in the morning and the rest of the day will be devoted to informal talks and discussions also with the speakers.
Game Theory is assuming a wide relevance and several applications in various fields, from Mathematics, to Economics, Finance, Engineering, Political Science and so on. This makes of growing importance suitable algorithms. The aim of the school is providing insight in the computational aspects related to game theoretical tools.
Some fellowships will be available for participants and will be assigned on the basis of a curriculum vitae.
You may find this preliminary information on the website of the School at:
Looking forward to see you in Campione d’Italia.
Vito Fragnelli

Dr. Vito Fragnelli
Associate Professor of Game Theory
University of Eastern Piedmont
Department of Sciences and Technological Innovation
Viale T.Michel 11 - 15121 Alessandria Italy
Phone: +39 0131 360224
+39 010 3536923 (Office in Genova)
Fax: +39 0131 360391