

{php}$lan=es; include("files/Iniciosesion.php");{/php}


To access

What is the database?
The database of the Master in Statistical Techniques and Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research is avaliable for members of the educational community (teachers, students and PAS).


It has tools and technology resources to support teaching for the teacher and receipt of these resources by students.
The basic function of the database is to provide support to the subjects that make up the training of master, to assist teachers of  the three organizing universities (UDC, USC, UVIGO) to publish educational materials in electronic format, making them accessible to their students via the Internet. In addition students can access all this material, know the schedules of the subjects, their qualifications, contact with faculty, peers, ...

Access Mode

To access the database is necessary to have a username and password.

(If you do not have user or have forgotten it, contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Introduce your information user