Quality assessment

This site includes information on the different stages of the quality assurance process of the program. The most relevant results can be found on the indicators report from the accreditation renewal process.

Documents Verificación del título

Seguimiento 2018 Renovación de la acreditación 2021

Sistema de garantía de calidad

El Programa de Doctorado en Estadística e Investigación Operativa es un título interuniversitario que se ve afectado por distintos procedimientos que provienen de los sistemas de garantía de calidad de las tres escuelas de doctorado, aunque los procedimientos generales de seguimiento y renovación de la acreditación del título son responsabilidad de la universidad coordinadora. Aunque los sistemas son similares, en la medida que su diseño responde a las directrices Fides-Audit, sí existen diferencias destacables en procesos de apoyo. Se incluyen a continuación los enlaces de las tres universidades participantes en el programa.


Statistics and Operations Research are of great importance today as part of mathematics and as disciplines necessary for the understanding and advancement of other fields of knowledge such as Economics, Engineering, Biomedicine or Environmental Sciences, among others. This Doctorate in Statistics and Operations Research aims to provide a solid training in the field of Statistics and Operations Research, enabling our students to adapt to the needs of today's society. It also aims to promote the continuous training of professionals in the area of Statistics and Operations Research.

This Doctoral Programme was born from the collaboration over the years of the different research groups in Statistics and Operations Research of the public universities of Galicia. This collaboration was initially materialised in the form of an Official Inter-University Postgraduate Programme in Statistics and Operations Research, which received a Quality Mention, and then continued with the Inter-University Master's Degree in Statistical Techniques and the Doctoral Programme. This is the only programme of its kind in the Galician University System, and a focus for attracting new students from our national and international environment (Northern Portugal and Latin America). In addition, the participation of the groups that sponsor the programme in European thematic networks allows our students to complete their pre-doctoral training, and in many cases to begin their post-doctoral stage, in other prestigious international centres.

  • Recipients of the Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Statistics and Operations Research:
       Students with a master's degree or equivalent, who wish to train as PhD students in Statistics and Operations Research.

  • Organising universities
       1. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (coordinator). Department of Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation.
       2. Universidade de A Coruña. Department of Mathematics.
       3. Universidade de Vigo. Department of Statistics and Operations Research.
  • The programme is functionally dependent on the International Doctoral Schools of the three participating universities: USC, UDC and UVigo:

  • USC International Doctoral School (EDIUS) - Programme specific page
  • UDC International Doctoral School (EIDUDC)
  • International Doctoral School of UVigo (EIDO)

  • More information:

    Acreditación del Programa de Doctorado en Estatística e Investigación Operativa

    Cualquier estudiante, egresado, PDI, PAS puede enviar a comentarios relacionados con este programa a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Programa de la visita virtual aquí.

    Acreditación del Programa de Doctorado en Estadística e Investigación Operativa

    Cualquier estudiante, egresado, PDI, PAS puede enviar comentarios relacionados con este programa a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Programa de la visita virtual aquí.

    Government bodies

    Academic Committee

    Ex officio members
    Prof. Alberto Rodríguez Casal (USC Coordinator and General Coordinator)

    University of Santiago de Compostela
    Prof. Rosa Mª Crujeiras Casais
    Prof. Julio González Díaz
    Prof. Wenceslao González Manteiga

    University of Coruña
    Prof. Mario Francisco Fernández (Coordinator at UDC)
    Prof. Ignacio García Jurado
    Profa. Mª Amalia Jácome Pumar

    University of Vigo
    Prof. Juan José Vidal Puga (Coordinator at UVigo)
    Prof. Gloria Fiestras Janeiro (Secretary of the CAPD)
    Prof. Javier Roca Pardiñas


    Prof. Alberto Rodríguez Casal (General coordinator and coordinator at University of Santiago de Compostela)
    Prof. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Coordinator at University of Coruña)
    Prof. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Coordinator at University of Vigo)

    Permanent Committee
    The Permanent Committee is made up of the coordinators of the three universities and the secretary of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme:
    Prof. Alberto Rodríguez Casal (president)
    Prof. Mario Francisco Fernández
    Prof. Juan José Vidal Puga
    Prof. Gloria Fiestras Janeiro (secretary)

    Information for DS (Doctoral Schools)

    The Doctoral Programme in Statistics and Operations Research is functionally dependent on the Doctoral Schools of the participating Universities. On their respective websites you can find information about the regulations/regulations, admission and enrolment processes, training activities, etc.