Suxerencias, queixas e reclamacións

Se un alumno desexa formular unha reclamación acerca do Programa de Posgrao Interuniversitario de Estatística e Investigación Operativa debe seguir o seguinte procedemento:

  • Formular a súa reclamación ante o coordinador do Programa da universidade na que está matriculado.
  • A comisión formada polos tres coordinadores do Programa resolverá en primeira instancia acerca da reclamación presentada.
  • Se o alumno non está conforme con esta resolución presentará, por escrito, a reclamación no vicerrectorado correspondente da universidade na que está matriculado e seguirá os trámites lexislados por esta universidade.

Contact - Coordinators

Name Position Telephone
Alberto Rodríguez Casal Coordinador General Doctorado y de la USC(+34)981563100
Juan José Vidal Puga Coordinador de la Universidade de Vigo(+34) 986802014
Mario Francisco Fernández Coordinador de la UDC+34 881011222


The PhDay-EIO is a unique opportunity to meet all Galician PhD students of Statistics, Operations Research and Optimization.

- Fourth edition of PhDay-EIO 23.02.2024 - A Coruña

- Third edition of PhDay-EIO 28.10.2022 - Vigo

- Second edition of PhDay-EIO 23.06.2021 - Santiago de Compostela (Online)

The PhDay- EIO Organising Committee unanimously decided to award the prize for the best oral communication presented at the PhDay- EIO, entitled "INTRODUCTION TO SINGLE-INDEX MIXTURE CURE MODELS", presented by BEATRIZ PIÑEIRO LAMAS. From left to right: Laura Davila Pena (member of the organising committee of the conference), Brais González Rodríguez (member of the organising committee of the conference), Mª José Ginzo Villamayor (member of the organising committee of the conference), Beatriz Piñeiro Lamas (prize winner), Laura Freijeiro González (member of the organising committee of the conference) and César Sánchez Sellero (president of the SGAPEIO).

- First edition of PhDay-EIO 04.10.2019 - Santiago de Compostela

The PhDay- EIO Organising Committee unanimously decided to award the prize for the best oral communication presented at the PhDay- EIO, entitled "CONTRASTES IN PARAMETRICS FOR REGRESSION WITH CIRCULAR DATA", presented by MARÍA ALONSO PENA. From left to right: Brais González Rodríguez (member of the organising committee of the conference), Laura Davila Pena (member of the organising committee of the conference), María Alonso Pena (prize winner), Mª José Ginzo Villamayor (member of the organising committee of the conference) and César Sánchez Sellero (president of the SGAPEIO).

Suggestions, complaints and claims

If a student wishes to make a complaint about the Interuniversity Program of Graduate for Statistics and Operational Research should follow the following procedure:

  • Make his complaint to the Program coordinator of the university where enrolled.
  • The committee formed by the three coordinators of the Program in the first instance decide on the claim.
  • If the student is not in accordance with this resolution shall, in writing, the claim for the vice of being enrolled in college and continue the legislative process for this university.


If a student wishes to make a complaint about the Interuniversity Program of Graduate for Statistics and Operational Research should follow the following procedure:

  • Make his complaint to the Program coordinator of the university where enrolled.
  • The committee formed by the three coordinators of the Program in the first instance decide on the claim.
  • If the student is not in accordance with this resolution shall, in writing, the claim for the vice of being enrolled in college and continue the legislative process for this university.

Contact - Coordinators

Name Position Telephone
Jose Ameijeiras Alonso Coordinador General Máster y de la USC(+34)881813165
María Luisa Carpente Rodríguez Coordinadora de la UDC(+34)981167000
Leticia Lorenzo Picado Coordinadora de la Uvigo(+34)986812443

Another links for your interest

  • IAP network: IAP network (Developing crucial Statistical methods for Understanding major complex Dynamic Systems in natural, biomedical and social sciences (StUDyS)). Varios miembros de la plantilla del doctorado participan en esta red de investigación básica financiada por el gobierno belga ( Esta red tiene entre sus objetivos favorecer la movilidad de estudiantes y profesores entre los nodos de la red y en relación con nuestro doctorado ha facilitado la movilidad pre y postdoctoral de estudiantes (Rosa Crujeiras Casais, Elisa Molanes López y Juan Carlos Pardo Fernández) y ha permitido la dirección de tesis conjuntas (Juan Carlos Pardo Fernández).

  • Marie Curie Actions –Initial Training Networks: Varios miembros de la plantilla del doctorado del departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la Universidad de Vigo participan en el siguiente proyecto: “MEDIASRES (Novel Statistical Methodology for Diagnostic/Prognostic and Therapeutic Studies and Systematic Reviews)”, entidad financiadora: Marie Curie Actions – Initial Training Networks que tiene como objetivo la formación de 14 nuevos doctores en el marco de un programa de doctorado internacional en el campo de la Estadística.