School of Engineering.
University of Santiago de Compostela
Calle Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n
15782 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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Santiago de Compostela is located in the northwest corner of Spain and is the political capital of Galicia, one of the 17 autonomous Spanish regions. The city is well connected by means of its airport, railway and motorways.
Airport of Santiago de Compostela
Location: Lavacolla
Telephone: (+34) 981 547500 / (+34) 981 547501
Additional information:
- Distance Airport-City: 10 km (15 min by car)
- Bus service: Airport-City route
- Airport Taxi Stand: (+34) 981 591 575 (price airport-city: 21.00 EUR)
Train Station of Santiago de Compostela
Location: C/ Hórreo, s/n
Telephone: (+34) 902 240202 / (+34) 981 591859
Main motorways
- Atlantic Motorway AP-9: links Santiago de Compostela with A Coruña, Ferrol, Pontevedra, Vigo, Tui and Portuguese border.
- Northwest Dual Carriageway A-6: links Galicia with the rest of Spain via Lugo province (links up with Santiago via the AP-9 near A Coruña).
- Rias Baixas Dual Carriageway A-52: links Galicia with the rest of Spain via Ourense province (links up with Santiago via the AP-9 in Vigo or by means of the AG-53 and the AP-53 in Ourense).
- AP-53/AG-53 Motorway: links Santiago with Ourense and the A-52.
- Cantábrico Dual Carriageway A-8: links Galicia with France via the Cantabrian coast (links up with Santiago via the Northwest Dual Carriageway A-6).