Jueves, 29 de Octubre de 2015
Menú Principal
Acerca de Santiago
Invited-contributed sesion PDF Print E-mail
11:30-12:20 Ana F. Militino
(40 min + 10 min) Testing for spatio-temporal interaction in disease mapping

Data on disease incidence or mortality over a set of contiguous regions have been commonly used to describe geographic patterns of a disease helping epidemiologists and public health researchers to identify possible etiologic factors. Nowadays, the availability of historical mortality registers offers the possibility of going further describing the spatio-temporal distribution of risks. The literature on spatio-temporal modelling of risks is very rich and it is mainly focused on the use of conditional autoregressive (CAR) models from a fully Bayesian perspective. However, the computational burden associated with the procedure makes the Empirical Bayes approach a plausible alternative. In this context, it is of interest to test for separability between space and time, as an absence of space-time interactions makes the model simpler. In this work, a score test is derived because it only requires to fit the simpler model. A bootstrap test is also considered for comparison purposes. Results will be illustrated using brain cancer data in Spain for the period 1996-2005.

12:20-12:55 Durbán, M. and Lee, D.J.
(25 min + 10 min) Reduced ANOVA smooth mixed models for modelling and testing space-time interactions
12:55-13:30 Prieur, C., Antoniadis, A. and Viry, L.
(25 min + 10 min) Spatio-temporal prediction forWest-African monsoon
Chair: Marian Scott
Bienvenidos a Galicia
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